Agisoft Metashape (formerly known as Photoscan) ( is a well know and widely used photogrammetry software. Let's take a look at how to easily export the 3D model from, upload it to Kroscloud and get a public link to share it on the internet.
After you you had generated, decimated and textured your model (following our recommendations), right click on the 3D model in the Workspace tree and select "Export model":
In the next step, you will need to provide a file name and choose a file type. This is important. By default, there is *.obj, but you need to choose "Binary glTF (*.glb)"
Hit „Save“ button.
Export model dialog will appear:
Important is to check "Export texture" and select JPEG format. We recommend to uncheck "Vertex normals" - to save space.
Hit OK
Now you have your 3D model exported to a single GLB file. Lets import it to Kroscloud.
Open your Kroscloud board ( and click on "Create new 3D scene" button.
In the next screen hit “Choose a file” dialog (or drag&drop the file) and select your exported GLB file.
Your 3D file will start uploading and, in the meantime, you can fill in the required Title field and setup the scene orientation (if your exported 3D model is not correctly oriented) and basic camera. It's default position – by rotating and zooming the 3D view, FOV and set camera’s constraints if you want – to limit its movement area.
As the file finish uploading, the Save button become enabled. So lets click on it and save our new 3D scene.
Thumbnail will be generated based on our selected camera’s position and we will be redirected back to our Board.
Mission accomplished. We have just uploaded our 3D model to Kroscloud and created a 3D scene. Now you can go to Kroscloud’s Editor, change its background, add points of interest and panoramic images, add layers or even translate the scene. But it is outside of scope of this quick How to.
For now, as the final step, lets get a public link to our new scene – so you can easily share it.
There are two ways how to do that from the My board screen
By clicking on the scene’s menu bttn and choosing “Viewer” or by clicking on the language bttn in the bottom left corner of the scene’s thumbnail.
Both options will open public 3D viewer of the given 3D scene and you can copy the URL and share it whenever you want.